Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common condition that affects children worldwide. Children with ADHD may struggle with hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention, which can cause challenges in various aspects of their lives, including their academic performance, social interactions, and emotional well-being. While there are various treatments and therapies available…Read More
Ways to Help Prevent Childhood Obesity
Obesity has become a major health problem over the past few decades. While losing weight and getting healthy is difficult for adults, the problem is even more challenging when talking about childhood obesity. No person ever wants to be overweight, but unhealthful eating choices and too little exercise are firmly…Read More
Winter Activities For Kids
Between the cold temperatures and the snow and ice outside, it’s no surprise that so many kids would rather stay inside with a video game or the television. The more time that those children spend inside inactive and snacking, the more likely it is that they will gain weight. Parents…Read More
Childhood nutrition facts
Did you know that the amount of nutrients kids need to grow changes as they get older? Take a look at the childhood nutrition facts below to learn how much each food group your child needs. Kids age 2-3 Calories 1,000-1,400 Protein 2-4 ounces Fruit 1-1.5 cups Vegetables 1-1.5…Read More
5 Ways To Help Your Child’s Education At Home
Parents are a child’s first and most influential teachers. Children’s lives begin at home and throughout their formative years, most of their time is spent there and its where a surprising amount of education can take place. Parents can help kids excel academically by taking the following steps: 1….Read More
Recess is necessary for proper child development
Schools are in a tough spot these days. Between the pressures to meet minimum student performance standards and needing to work within slimmer budget constraints, recess has become an expendable program. More time is spent in class and fewer resources are needed for playground supervision and maintenance. It is a…Read More
Is your child’s discipline problem a behavior issue or something else?
All children have moments or phases they go through where good discipline is hard to come by. It is a normal part of a child’s social development where they test and learn the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior. But if you child is having prolonged and consistent discipline problems, there…Read More
Child fitness strategies need to be enacted at home to work
In recent years the epidemic of childhood obesity has gained notoriety in the media for being a serious issue facing our youth. Countless studies have been cited and statistics trotted out to the increasingly concerned public, and in response, elected officials have begun making policy changes aimed at increasing…Read More
Raising Tomorrow’s Leaders to Maintain High Morals & Integrity
It goes without saying that we live in a society that is known for having a blemished moral code. From general everyday crimes to large scale scandals and tales of corruption, ideals of honesty and integrity are usually just that-ideals; and often times fail to be enacted by most of…Read More
6 Signs You’re Forgetting to Set a Good Example for Your Kids
Melanie Hargrave, guest contributor Being a parent gives you an abundance of parenting components to think about and remember, so naturally many good practices may fall through the cracks. But one of the most important responsibilities that cannot be overlooked by a parent is to constantly set a good example….Read More